Tag: health

OZEMPIC: Is it a wonder drug and is it worth it? Ozempic is a brand name for the medication semaglutide, which belongs to a class of drugs called glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor agonists. It is primarily used to treat type 2 diabetes, but it has also been approved for use in adults with obesity as…
Intermittent fasting (IF) is a dietary approach that involves cycling between periods of fasting and eating. There are several methods including the 16/8 method (fasting for 16 hours and eating within an 8-hour window), the 5:2 method (eating normally for five days and restricting calorie intake for two non-consecutive days), and alternate-day fasting (alternating between…
Menopause: Let’s talk about menopause and how to relieve its uncomfortable symptoms. Discover why HRT might or might not be the answer you’ve been looking for. Until relatively recently, menopause (menopause means ‘the last menstrual cycle’) was a taboo subject not widely discussed even between women and certainly not talked about in wider ‘polite society.’…
Adaptogens Wellness  Adaptogens are active ingredients in certain plants and mushrooms that can help your body to deal with stress, anxiety and fatigue. When adaptogens are consumed, this ingredient targets stressors in the body.It either increases or decreases chemical reactions within your body. The goal of taking adaptogen is returning your body back to a…
Yoga Nidra| Wellness  Yoga Nidra also known as Yoga sleep is a very powerful way of mediating. Here are 5 benefits of the practice and ways you can achieve it. 1. Anyone can do Nidra Yoga Yoga Nidra is something everyone, from children to seniors, can do. It is easy to follow regardless of age.…
Probiotics| Wellness  PROBIOTICS Science shows that probiotics are a great way to support a healthy gut and immune system. This can help treat digestive problems such as constipation and irritable bowel syndrome(IBS). They may even improve immune function. There are many ways to introduce probiotics through food, drinks and supplements which can improve overall gut…
Panchakarma| Wellness  WHAT IS PANCHAKARMA?  Pancha in Sanskrit means “five,” and karma means “action” and refers to five different purifying and rejuvenating procedures in Ayurveda. It is a detoxification program which aims to eliminate built up impurities from the mind-body physiology. This is highly beneficial with many people facing improper diet and, high-level of stress faced daily. the…
ALLJOY MASSAGER PROVES TO BE THE BEST REMEDY FOR PAIN RELIEF WITH ITS SHIATSU TECHNIQUES! In this era of busy bodys and cut-throat competition in all spheres of life, from professional to personal stressors affecting our mental, physical and emotional wellbeing; we have little time to take a breather and just relax! Well, the daily…
|The best ways to get your Libido back on track| Desire for sex is based on a complex interaction of many things affecting intimacy, including physical and emotional well-being, experiences, beliefs, lifestyle, and your current relationship. Women's sexual desires naturally fluctuate over the years. Highs and lows commonly coincide with the beginning or end of a…
Post Covid-19 Hair Loss: the causes and how to combat it  | Wellness Why are so many people reporting hair loss since the covid-19 pandemic? What type of hair loss is it? How long does it last? What to expect? And what are the treatment options? There are multiple factors related to the covid-19 pandemic…
Why Men Should Take Care of their Health Taking care of your body and mind is something practically everyone knows to do, yet not many know why or how beneficial it is for someone to take care of their health. Being healthy is more than just drinking water and eating vegetables regularly and cutting back…