Tag: mental health

Winter self-care guide for women 24 Must-Haves For Your Winter Self-Care Routine Now that the days are getting shorter, and we're spending an increasing amount of time indoors, it's important that we look after ourselves both inside and out. Getting enough exercise, taking Vitamin D supplements, if needed, and using an oil based moisturiser are…
How to Identify Bordeline Personality Disorder? Bordeline Personality Disorder (BPD) also known as emotionally unstable personality disorder (EUPD) is a type of personality disorder. What are the symptoms ? If you experience at least five symptoms of the following and they've lasted for long time or have impact on your daily life: You feel very worried…
Credit | Natalya Lobanova Podcasts are a great way to create an atmosphere of comfort whilst opening your mind to learning and personal growth. By tuning into a podcast you can multi-task, turning a passive, mundane activity into a moment of thought. Whether you chose to listen to podcasts whilst driving, walking, working out, cooking…
The middle name of the fashion industry is glamour. Not only do the people within the industry seem to live amazing perfect lives but it also has a profound effect on the consumers' lives. Not only does fashion add excitement and glitz to your wardrobe, but the right clothing item or accessory can scientifically help…