Tag: wellness

With Mother's  day around the corner ( Sunday 27th March- for this year in the UK). It's now the perfect time to start thinking about what you want to gift that special woman in your life. Below we have garnered  thoughtful and unique presents she will sure to love! From luxury brands like Cartier and Dior to…
How Our Gut Affects Our Wellness  | Health & Wellnes Studies have shown, there is a link between what we put into our body and how it affects our brand and overall wellness. Dr. Emeran Mayer explains "Whatever goes on in the emotional parts of our brain is mirrored in the gut, and whatever goes…
Ideally we should eat a balanced diet high in fruit and vegetables, get adequate sleep, drink alcohol in moderation, don't smoke and exercise regularly. But that can be quite hard while maintaining a demanding career, a social life and still have quality time for ourselves and for our families. So knowing what nutrients come from…
Credit: Healthline.com Every day, all around the world, millions of people will consume alcoholic beverages. Some of that drinking, of course, will be done in the comfort of the person’s home, but often people will go out to bars to imbibe. Alcohol is the oldest and most widely consumed recreational drug on the planet. Although…
5 Ways To Heal Your Body | Health & Wellness Gift your body with some of our health and wellness product picks. We all know with Winter there is also the colds and of course COVID-19. If you have suffered from either it would be a good idea to detox your body from any junk…
24 Easiest Wellness and Beauty Habits for 2022 If you're looking to make small and easy habits to change that you can incorporate in your day-to-day life for this year, we have got you covered. From improving your sleep routine, getting glowier and youthful skin, getting more fitter. We have listed some of the best…
33 wellness prodcuts to transform your lifestyle Looking to set new goals for the new year 2022? whether you're trying to get more rest from a chaotic lifestyle, lose weight, get fitter, or even change some old habits into new healthier ones. There are many health and wellness products that can help to make that…
Winter self-care guide for women 24 Must-Haves For Your Winter Self-Care Routine Now that the days are getting shorter, and we're spending an increasing amount of time indoors, it's important that we look after ourselves both inside and out. Getting enough exercise, taking Vitamin D supplements, if needed, and using an oil based moisturiser are…
@nails_and_soul 8 of the Best Acrylic Nail Ideas for Summer 2021 An acrylic nail is possibly one of the easiest ways to show your artistic expression. I have had my nails for 6 months now and the amount of inspiration I have found on Pinterest fuels the creative ideas. Sometimes I even take these design…
Modafirma sat down with Esther Knight  from Fanfare Label , we spent the day talking about sustainability, fashion and design. To start, can you first introduce yourselves to our readers who may be hearing about your brand for the first time? We are Fanfare Label, a sustainable British fashion brand that sets out to create…
Modafirma sat down with an Architect Laurel Butler the from Laurel Living Designs, we spent the day talking about sustainability, architecture and design. Laurel Butler is a London based interior architect with some interesting ideas to share with us today. Angela: Hi Laurel, great to have you here. So, tell us about yourself. Laurel Butler: Thank…