
About Waterstones

Waterstones, formerly Waterstone’s, is a British book retailer that operates 283 shops, mainly in the United Kingdom and also other nearby countries. The company was founded in 1982 under the founder Tom Waterstone. Over the decade Waterstone has become an icon of the British cultural landscape employing over 3000 superb booksellers across over 280 bookshops..


This is the OCR-endorsed edition covering the Greek GCSE set text prescriptions examined from 2025 to 2026. The texts covered are:HomerIliad VI, lines 370-413 and 429-502HerodotusSections XIa (First Capture of Babylon), XII (Rebuff to Darius), XIII (The Babylonian Wife Market), XIVb (Megacles’ marriage)EuripidesMedea, lines 230-291 and 358-409XenophonThe Persian Expedition, Chapter 8: The Battle of Cunaxa (omitting 8:8-10)The volume starts with an introduction to ancient Greek history and culture, which sets in context the passages for the exams and gives guidance on how to translate ancient Greek. The prescribed texts are set out in clear passages facing commentary notes, with further information on GCSE vocabulary and key terms as well as study questions. The full GCSE vocabulary is provided at the back of the book and a timeline, Who’s Who, glossaries and map combine to give students a focused preparation for their exams.Supplementary resources are available on the Companion Website: https://www.bloomsbury.pub/OCR-editions-2024-2026

About Waterstones

Waterstones, formerly Waterstone’s, is a British book retailer that operates 283 shops, mainly in the United Kingdom and also other nearby countries. The company was founded in 1982 under the founder Tom Waterstone. Over the decade Waterstone has become an icon of the British cultural landscape employing over 3000 superb booksellers across over 280 bookshops..